DPS – More Smoke & Mirrors; by quoting 3 words

(updated 9-10-14 @ 3:00pm)

Smoke & mirrors can fool the best citizen activist but, sifting through the smoke and splintered facts with patience can uncover the truth. Taking a statement out of context, and quoting one section of the Texas Transportation Code can claim just about anything a director of the Department of Public Safety may wish to claim, but the truth is found when the entire Code is read, especially when legislative intent is examined.

The current Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety was allowed to DPS fingerprint scannerwrite a brief article in a Dallas paper on Sept. 3, 2014, attempting to “clear up any misconceptions related to the legality of the expanded fingerprinting process within Texas driver’s license system”, claiming DPS authority by quoting three words from the Texas Transportation Code; “thumbprints or fingerprints”. Continue reading “DPS – More Smoke & Mirrors; by quoting 3 words”

Introduction to NTCL-Sat. Sept 6th (1-2pm)

Becoming MORE effective with your government

Mission Statement of the North Texas Citizens Lobby:
“Through education and active civic participation, restore limited government that benefits all and shows preference to none.”

Join us!
In 1 hour we will present an overview of what the North Texas Citizens Lobby did in the 83rd Texas Legislative Session, and what we’re planning for the 84th Session (begins Jan. 13, 2015)

We want to share our model with you and invite you to see where you can make a difference.

Join us!
Sat. Sept 6th (1:00pm – 2:00pm)
Spring Creek BBQ-McKinney
1993 North Central Expressway
(at Highway 380)
McKinney, TX 75070
Map:  http://springcreekbarbeque.com/mckinney.htm

NTCL networks with citizen lobbyists in 7 north Texas counties, working together to watch what government is doing, engaging with government, and reporting it when there is still a window of opportunity for US to do something about it – not after the fact (like the 5:00 news report).  We ARE the news!

Join us Saturday, Sept 6th, from 1:00-2:00pm in McKinney, and bring a friend!

We’ll stick around for an hour afterwards, to answer any questions.

YOU DECIDE-Is DPS Violating Texas Law?

Since January of 2014, the Texas Department of Public Service (a very powerful bureaucracy) has been collecting fingerprints of all 10 digits to obtain an original driver license, renewal of driver license, or a duplicate driver license. This change also applies to the photo I.D. cards obtained through DPS.5-5-05 HSE Chamber-2nd reading

Texas law reads:
(b) The application must include:(1) the thumbprints of the applicant or, if thumbprints cannot be taken, the index fingerprints of the applicant

YOU DECIDE whether the legislative intent was to extend the thumbprint collection to all 10 digits. Watch the videos… Continue reading “YOU DECIDE-Is DPS Violating Texas Law?”

DPS is Violating Legislative Intent

-posted by Barbara Harless

The law states that individuals applying for original driver licenses, renewal drivers DPS fingerprint scannerlicenses, applicants applying for duplicate drivers licenses and personal identification certificates, must render thumbprints or index fingerprints (if a thumb is not available), along with an Image Verification System Photo (facial recognition photo).

The Texas DPS has been collecting full sets of 10 digit fingerprints, against legislative intent, since April that this blogger knows of.  Dave Lieber with the Dallas Morning News reports that all 10 digits were being collected as early as January 2014 (see DMN links below).

Here is the legislative history:

1967 HB 354 (60th Legislature) – Added thumbprints or index fingerprints (if a thumb was not available) requirement to Continue reading “DPS is Violating Legislative Intent”

Putting Teeth in the GOP Platform

Every two years, thousands (maybe millions) of volunteer hours go into crafting our Texas GOP Platform to represent the majority of about 9000 Republicans in the state of Texas. These 9000 volunteers are the delegates to our state convention.GOP Convention

Texas, being a red state, has seen many politicians benefit from running under the Republican banner in the Primary Election. They win, and they are a shoe-in when the straight party voters cast a ballot the following November. We know this is true because we label many of these politicians as RINOs (Republican In Name Only). Once they gain office, they execute their powers their own way.

How would you like to see a policy similar to the following adopted and enforced by the Republican Party of Texas?

“The Republican Party of Texas may vote to censure a Republican office holder for consistent actions taken in opposition to the core principles of the Republican Party of Texas as defined in our Platform. This censure may include a stipulation Continue reading “Putting Teeth in the GOP Platform”

9 Proposed Amendments – Put Through the Constitutional Test

Here is a taxpayer’s view of the intended and unintended consequences of the efforts of our noble Austin legislators.Constitution

First, one must read the proposed legislation because the brief explanatory statement of the nature of each proposed amendment listed on the ballot is not even close to addressing what is in the amendment. If a proposed amendment has enabling legislation (many do), the details of the amendment with taxing authority, penalties for violations, and other changes/additions to other state statutes may be found there. In short, you have to read the amendment/enabling bill to find out what’s in it and often times we have to pass the amendment/bill to find out what’s in it. On some of the proposed amendments, the enabling legislation is silent (deficient) in certain areas. Where there is silence in the enabling legislation, once the amendment is passed then it may be up to the courts to decide the intent of the author(s) of the amendment or enabling legislation. This is unfortunate but true.

Second, one should understand the Purpose and Consequences of laws.

Third, one should put each proposed amendment to the 3 question test of “constitutionality”. Continue reading “9 Proposed Amendments – Put Through the Constitutional Test”

All Laws Must Pass the Constitutional Test

All legislative matters, the conduct and actions of government officials, and the enforced ordinances and laws which restrict human activity, should pass the three question test:Constitutional Test

1.) Is it “constitutional”?
(Supports the constitutional republic)

2.) Is there a need?
(Do all the People have a need for and benefit from the proposed government intervention?)

3.) Affordability?
(Can the People afford it? Is the cost equal and uniform?)

Continue reading “All Laws Must Pass the Constitutional Test”

Dorothy & Toto Finally “Got It” – Why Can’t Mark Levin?

Dorothy and crewIf you grew up in the 50’s or 60’s, you huddled around the television set once each year when Metro Goldwyn Mayer would air a musical titled, The Wizard of Oz. The musical trek from the Land of Oz to the Emerald City was a 2 hour televised fantasy trip down a yellow brick road to ask the Wizard of Oz to grant magical powers to those less fortunate souls; such as to grant a heart for the Tin Man, courage for the Lion, a brain for the Scarecrow, and a trip back to Kansas for Dorothy Gale and her little dog Toto (to be reunited with her Auntie Em and Uncle Henry). Follwoing advice from the Munchkins and Glinda the good witch, Dorothy and Toto follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City to seek the help of the Wizard of Oz. Continue reading “Dorothy & Toto Finally “Got It” – Why Can’t Mark Levin?”

Community Broadband – Illegal in Texas

Community Broadband Preemption MapCommunities are increasingly organizing to build modern communications networks with the goal of bringing inexpensive and fast Internet service to their residents and local businesses.  It is ironic that Texas prides itself on being a haven for freedom but has some of the most restrictive laws among the states regarding who can provide Internet service.  The lone star state protects the incumbent big businesses, stifles the free market, and hampers innovation.  Current Texas laws causes higher prices and lower quality service. Continue reading “Community Broadband – Illegal in Texas”


Dennis Scharp
Dennis Scharp

Are you satisfied with Texas’ 83rd legislative session?  Perhaps a better question would be:  Were you aware of Texas’ 83rd legislative session?  Did you follow it?  Did you participate (contact your legislators, go to Austin in support of or against pieces of legislation) during the legislative session?

Positives during the 83rd legislative session: Continue reading “ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT THE TEXAS 84TH LEGISLATIVE SESSION?”