Gov. Abbott’s Mission to Write a New Manifesto for These united states

On Friday January 8, 2016, Texas Governor Greg Abbott released his call for a new manifesto for these United States. His new manifest is titled: “The Texas Plan”. Abbott admits the problem is not with the U.S. Constitution by stating; “The Constitution itself is not broken. What is broken is our Nation’s willingness to obey the Constitution and to hold our leaders accountable to it.”

If the Constitution is not broken, then why would the highest ranking Republican of Texas promote a constitutional convention with representation from George Soros?  Why would Gov. Abbott support a con con with delegates representing brand new manifestos (constitutions)? Here are a few manifestos just waiting for the right crisis:
1.) Constitution for the New Socialist Republic of North America (Soros)
2.) Constitution 2020 Movement (Soros)
3.) Constitution for the New States of America (Ford and Rockefeller Foundations)

Most reading this have some understanding of the ideology of George Soros. But the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations aren’t that bad – right? The Ford & Rockefeller Foundations were behind 2 of the worst amendments we have today – the 16th Amendment (federal income tax), and the 17th Amendment (direct election of U.S. Senators). Continue reading “Gov. Abbott’s Mission to Write a New Manifesto for These united states”

All Laws Must Pass the Constitutional Test

All legislative matters, the conduct and actions of government officials, and the enforced ordinances and laws which restrict human activity, should pass the three question test:Constitutional Test

1.) Is it “constitutional”?
(Supports the constitutional republic)

2.) Is there a need?
(Do all the People have a need for and benefit from the proposed government intervention?)

3.) Affordability?
(Can the People afford it? Is the cost equal and uniform?)

Continue reading “All Laws Must Pass the Constitutional Test”

Nov 5, 2013…Nine Proposed TEXAS Constitutional Amendments

Hot off the press….
Nine (9) propositions will appear on the Nov 5th ballot, in the attempt to amend our state constitution  [this has been done every 2 years since 1879] 
Does Austin want more of your savings account?

Below, you can find 2 state legislative produced documents that outline the 9 propositions that you will be asked to vote on this Nov 5th. Before you read, please understand who is directing the narrative on these 2 publications:
HRO Steering Committee and the Governing Body of the TX Lege Council
These are the very people that wrote the bills and managed to pass them. As you read, you will see more details are attributed to the “supporters” than the “opponents”. Read them very carefully and do some research. It’s only your money they are spending. Continue reading “Nov 5, 2013…Nine Proposed TEXAS Constitutional Amendments”