9 Proposed Amendments – Put Through the Constitutional Test

Here is a taxpayer’s view of the intended and unintended consequences of the efforts of our noble Austin legislators.Constitution

First, one must read the proposed legislation because the brief explanatory statement of the nature of each proposed amendment listed on the ballot is not even close to addressing what is in the amendment. If a proposed amendment has enabling legislation (many do), the details of the amendment with taxing authority, penalties for violations, and other changes/additions to other state statutes may be found there. In short, you have to read the amendment/enabling bill to find out what’s in it and often times we have to pass the amendment/bill to find out what’s in it. On some of the proposed amendments, the enabling legislation is silent (deficient) in certain areas. Where there is silence in the enabling legislation, once the amendment is passed then it may be up to the courts to decide the intent of the author(s) of the amendment or enabling legislation. This is unfortunate but true.

Second, one should understand the Purpose and Consequences of laws.

Third, one should put each proposed amendment to the 3 question test of “constitutionality”. Continue reading “9 Proposed Amendments – Put Through the Constitutional Test”

Nov 5, 2013…Nine Proposed TEXAS Constitutional Amendments

Hot off the press….
Nine (9) propositions will appear on the Nov 5th ballot, in the attempt to amend our state constitution  [this has been done every 2 years since 1879] 
Does Austin want more of your savings account?

Below, you can find 2 state legislative produced documents that outline the 9 propositions that you will be asked to vote on this Nov 5th. Before you read, please understand who is directing the narrative on these 2 publications:
HRO Steering Committee and the Governing Body of the TX Lege Council
These are the very people that wrote the bills and managed to pass them. As you read, you will see more details are attributed to the “supporters” than the “opponents”. Read them very carefully and do some research. It’s only your money they are spending. Continue reading “Nov 5, 2013…Nine Proposed TEXAS Constitutional Amendments”

Perry adds Transportation, Abortion, & Mandatory Life w/Parole, to the Special Session

Gov. Perry Adds Transportation to Special Session Call
Monday, June 10, 2013 • Press Release

Gov. Perry Adds Two Issues to Special Session Call
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 • Press Release
(regulation of abortion procedures & mandatory sentence of life with parole for a capital felony committed by a 17-year-old offender.)


The Texas House Committee on Redistricting, Select will hold a public hearing (Thursday in Dallas) on the Texas redistricting plans which if you will recall, were decided in the courts against the will of the Texas Legislature in 2011. Governor Perry called a Special Session of the current 83rd Texas Legislature (can last for 30 days) within hours after the regular 83rd session adjourned sine die last week (May 27th), with specific instructions on the subject to be addressed:

The special session will consider the following issue: Continue reading “PUBLIC HEARING in DALLAS: THURSDAY June 6th @ 2pm”

CALL Gov. Perry – “Add Pro-Life Bills to the Call”

Contact Gov. Perry. Ask him to “add to the call” Protection of pain-capable unborn children from abortion at 20 weeks gestation
Rep Laubenberg filed a bill during the regular session, which was held up in the House Calendars committee, but she has filed the bill again in this the 1st special session… Continue reading “CALL Gov. Perry – “Add Pro-Life Bills to the Call””

CALL Gov. Perry – ask him to VETO SB1 (Budget) and HB 1025 which raids the Rainy Day Fund

Spending Up 26%!
Texas Legislature Takes Wild Left Turn & Spends like there’s No Tomorrow

JoAnn Fleming, Chairman, TX Legislature’s TEA Party Caucus Advisory Committee; Executive Director, Grassroots America
(903) 360-2858
Over the Memorial Day weekend, the GOP-controlled Texas legislature passed appropriation bills and a 2014-2015 budget that combine to increase spending 26%! Continue reading “CALL Gov. Perry – ask him to VETO SB1 (Budget) and HB 1025 which raids the Rainy Day Fund”

“NO” to 26% Increase in State Spending

Your phone calls WORKED! Gov. Perry vetoed SB 346 yesterday (May 25th), but our job is not finished! Please continue to make your voice count…

  1. Urge the House to Reject HB 1025 & SB 1 budget bill
  2. Urge the Governor to Veto if House Passes

See full explanation and contact information at: http://gawtp.com/spending-up-26-texas-legislature-takes-wild-left-turn-spends-like-theres-no-tomorrow/