The Irony – A Con Con Could Suspend Rules Too?

Last Thursday House Rep. Briscoe Cain, a freshman, objected to a House floor motion to suspend the Rules that notice be posted for 5 days prior to a bill being heard in a committee hearing (HJR 56).

The irony!

I bet Rep. Cain is starting to understand how politics is conducted – notwithstanding the “rules”.  Rep. Cain is author and coauthor of no less than 3 bills that support an Article V convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution.  One of those bills, HB 506 proposes to place limitations on Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution.  Perhaps now Rep. Cain can see why opponents to the Article V convention don’t buy the lie that Texas can control delegates to such a convention.  A modern day constitutional convention has the same inherent ability as the 1787 constitutional convention to suspend rules, throw out the press, meet in secret, and work with George Soros-supported-delegates to propose an entirely new constitution. Continue reading “The Irony – A Con Con Could Suspend Rules Too?”

What Could Possibly Go Wrong in an Article V Convention?


What if a real Article V convention proposed amendments with Unintended consequences, that INCREASE federal powers…
Not restrict them?

That’s what the COSP “Simulated” convention did… by invitation-only; 137 legislators (96% Republicans), and most were authors of COSP applications. [Sep 21-23, 2016] Continue reading “What Could Possibly Go Wrong in an Article V Convention?”

Gov. Abbott’s Mission to Write a New Manifesto for These united states

On Friday January 8, 2016, Texas Governor Greg Abbott released his call for a new manifesto for these United States. His new manifest is titled: “The Texas Plan”. Abbott admits the problem is not with the U.S. Constitution by stating; “The Constitution itself is not broken. What is broken is our Nation’s willingness to obey the Constitution and to hold our leaders accountable to it.”

If the Constitution is not broken, then why would the highest ranking Republican of Texas promote a constitutional convention with representation from George Soros?  Why would Gov. Abbott support a con con with delegates representing brand new manifestos (constitutions)? Here are a few manifestos just waiting for the right crisis:
1.) Constitution for the New Socialist Republic of North America (Soros)
2.) Constitution 2020 Movement (Soros)
3.) Constitution for the New States of America (Ford and Rockefeller Foundations)

Most reading this have some understanding of the ideology of George Soros. But the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations aren’t that bad – right? The Ford & Rockefeller Foundations were behind 2 of the worst amendments we have today – the 16th Amendment (federal income tax), and the 17th Amendment (direct election of U.S. Senators). Continue reading “Gov. Abbott’s Mission to Write a New Manifesto for These united states”

DPS – More Smoke & Mirrors; by quoting 3 words

(updated 9-10-14 @ 3:00pm)

Smoke & mirrors can fool the best citizen activist but, sifting through the smoke and splintered facts with patience can uncover the truth. Taking a statement out of context, and quoting one section of the Texas Transportation Code can claim just about anything a director of the Department of Public Safety may wish to claim, but the truth is found when the entire Code is read, especially when legislative intent is examined.

The current Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety was allowed to DPS fingerprint scannerwrite a brief article in a Dallas paper on Sept. 3, 2014, attempting to “clear up any misconceptions related to the legality of the expanded fingerprinting process within Texas driver’s license system”, claiming DPS authority by quoting three words from the Texas Transportation Code; “thumbprints or fingerprints”. Continue reading “DPS – More Smoke & Mirrors; by quoting 3 words”

YOU DECIDE-Is DPS Violating Texas Law?

Since January of 2014, the Texas Department of Public Service (a very powerful bureaucracy) has been collecting fingerprints of all 10 digits to obtain an original driver license, renewal of driver license, or a duplicate driver license. This change also applies to the photo I.D. cards obtained through DPS.5-5-05 HSE Chamber-2nd reading

Texas law reads:
(b) The application must include:(1) the thumbprints of the applicant or, if thumbprints cannot be taken, the index fingerprints of the applicant

YOU DECIDE whether the legislative intent was to extend the thumbprint collection to all 10 digits. Watch the videos… Continue reading “YOU DECIDE-Is DPS Violating Texas Law?”

Texas Death Panel dies in Committee, with Heated Testimonies

I want to thank Rep. Lois Kolkhorst for her leadership on the House Committee on Public Health. SB 303 (aka Death Panel bill) has died in her committee, and with good reason.

SB 303, by Representatives Deuell | Estes | Lucio III, proposes to remove my inherent right to life and Continue reading “Texas Death Panel dies in Committee, with Heated Testimonies”

North Texas Citizens’ Lobby visit with Rep. Jeff Leach

NTCL visits with Rep. Jeff Leach on May 7th.  Pictured: Dennis Scharp, Barbara Harless, Linda Townson, Mark Reid, Chuck Molyneaux, and some passionate and well-spoken students from north Texas. Keep up the good work Rep. Leach!
NTCL visits with Rep. Jeff Leach on May 7th. Pictured: Dennis Scharp, Barbara Harless, Linda Townson, Mark Reid, Chuck Molyneaux, and some passionate and well-spoken students from north Texas. Keep up the good work Rep. Leach!

Our heart-felt gratitude to Rep. Leach, Mary McClure, and his entire staff for making our weekly trips to Austin more productive and comfortable.