7 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS – Put Through The Test

An NFL referee can’t perform his duty if he’s not well educated on the 200+ page rule book. Voters can’t expedite their duty if they don’t know the rules restricting government  – that is the Supreme Law of the land; the 34 page U.S. Constitution.  It is upon these principles that our Texas Constitution and statutes are supposed to be enacted.

If you plan to vote on the 7 proposed amendments to our 200+ page Texas Constitution, you should have consistent rules by which you judge every amendment.  I consistently use the U.S. Constitution as my benchmark.   My three test questions are found here because every law increases the size, scope, and cost of government.

Here’s a summary of the 7 proposals and their constitutionality… Continue reading “7 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS – Put Through The Test”

9 Proposed Amendments – Put Through the Constitutional Test

Here is a taxpayer’s view of the intended and unintended consequences of the efforts of our noble Austin legislators.Constitution

First, one must read the proposed legislation because the brief explanatory statement of the nature of each proposed amendment listed on the ballot is not even close to addressing what is in the amendment. If a proposed amendment has enabling legislation (many do), the details of the amendment with taxing authority, penalties for violations, and other changes/additions to other state statutes may be found there. In short, you have to read the amendment/enabling bill to find out what’s in it and often times we have to pass the amendment/bill to find out what’s in it. On some of the proposed amendments, the enabling legislation is silent (deficient) in certain areas. Where there is silence in the enabling legislation, once the amendment is passed then it may be up to the courts to decide the intent of the author(s) of the amendment or enabling legislation. This is unfortunate but true.

Second, one should understand the Purpose and Consequences of laws.

Third, one should put each proposed amendment to the 3 question test of “constitutionality”. Continue reading “9 Proposed Amendments – Put Through the Constitutional Test”

All Laws Must Pass the Constitutional Test

All legislative matters, the conduct and actions of government officials, and the enforced ordinances and laws which restrict human activity, should pass the three question test:Constitutional Test

1.) Is it “constitutional”?
(Supports the constitutional republic)

2.) Is there a need?
(Do all the People have a need for and benefit from the proposed government intervention?)

3.) Affordability?
(Can the People afford it? Is the cost equal and uniform?)

Continue reading “All Laws Must Pass the Constitutional Test”

Dallas Morning News Bias – September 25, 2013

*Cruz leads lonely attack on budget bill, p. 1A – Actually, Cruz attacked Obamacare, the massive, leftist job-killer — and he did it quite effectively, though DMN Dem Todd “The Hack” Gillman doesn’t include a single thing he said about it. Someone speaks for hours on end — longer than “Abortion Barbie!” — and we don’t get a syllable of relevant remarks.  Continue reading “Dallas Morning News Bias – September 25, 2013”

CALL Gov. Perry – ask him to VETO SB1 (Budget) and HB 1025 which raids the Rainy Day Fund

Spending Up 26%!
Texas Legislature Takes Wild Left Turn & Spends like there’s No Tomorrow

JoAnn Fleming, Chairman, TX Legislature’s TEA Party Caucus Advisory Committee; Executive Director, Grassroots America
(903) 360-2858
Over the Memorial Day weekend, the GOP-controlled Texas legislature passed appropriation bills and a 2014-2015 budget that combine to increase spending 26%! Continue reading “CALL Gov. Perry – ask him to VETO SB1 (Budget) and HB 1025 which raids the Rainy Day Fund”

Students Lobbying in Austin

By Thatcher Townson

May 24, 2013

On Wednesday, May 22nd, five high school students along with two adults from the Collin County civics group,  SALT[1], accompanied the North Texas Citizens Lobby to the capitol. We spoke with Representative Phil King, and Representative Scott Turner, and Nick Cantrell, Thatcher Townson,Natalie Mott, Levi Box,Duncan Voyles,Samuel Vott,Julia, Voyles,Linda Townson Continue reading “Students Lobbying in Austin”

Citizens Lobby = Outside Forces ?

1836-logo-105x100A recent newsletter from Michael Q Sullivan of Empower Texans pointed out some recent actions in the Texas House that are encouraging:   Continue reading “Citizens Lobby = Outside Forces ?”

Rotunda Report by Representative Leach

May 2, 2013

Legislative Happenings

 As State Representative and steward of your hard-earned tax dollars, one of my main priorities in the Legislature is to ensure that our state remains on its solid track towards economic prosperity by encouraging a friendly business climate in Texas.  This starts with lowering taxes, reducing the size and scope of government, and … Continue reading “Rotunda Report by Representative Leach”