Gov. Abbott’s Mission to Write a New Manifesto for These united states

On Friday January 8, 2016, Texas Governor Greg Abbott released his call for a new manifesto for these United States. His new manifest is titled: “The Texas Plan”. Abbott admits the problem is not with the U.S. Constitution by stating; “The Constitution itself is not broken. What is broken is our Nation’s willingness to obey the Constitution and to hold our leaders accountable to it.”

If the Constitution is not broken, then why would the highest ranking Republican of Texas promote a constitutional convention with representation from George Soros?  Why would Gov. Abbott support a con con with delegates representing brand new manifestos (constitutions)? Here are a few manifestos just waiting for the right crisis:
1.) Constitution for the New Socialist Republic of North America (Soros)
2.) Constitution 2020 Movement (Soros)
3.) Constitution for the New States of America (Ford and Rockefeller Foundations)

Most reading this have some understanding of the ideology of George Soros. But the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations aren’t that bad – right? The Ford & Rockefeller Foundations were behind 2 of the worst amendments we have today – the 16th Amendment (federal income tax), and the 17th Amendment (direct election of U.S. Senators). Continue reading “Gov. Abbott’s Mission to Write a New Manifesto for These united states”

The Desire for Restoring Limited Government

trumpclintonpicIn a big surprise that almost no one predicted, Donald Trump bested Hillary Clinton as the nation’s pick for president.  This has upset a whole slew of people who are now left wondering what kind of bad things the new president will do when he enters office.

What will he do as the most powerful person on the planet? Continue reading “The Desire for Restoring Limited Government”

Aiding Election Tampering

In an outlandish election season almost asking for selling show tickets and popcorn, it’s appropriate to spend time considering our country’s voting methods — including how secure vote results are from tampering. Should we be concerned? Yes. The following story illustrates one reason why.
Read the story….

“We want to Amend the Constitution. You, just want to do Nothing!”

Craig Anderson, KWEL radio in Midland, TX (AM 1070 / FM 107.1) interviews Barbara Harless, on such questions:
Will Congress follow a new Constitution if they violate the current one?
A Balanced Budget Amendment – Why not?
How long will a con con last?
Who will Chair a con con?
What can Texas do then, when DC violates their Oath?…
Continue reading ““We want to Amend the Constitution. You, just want to do Nothing!””

Why Vote, if Your Vote is Being Stolen?

Irregular vote counting procedures across Texas have been brought to light dealing with violations of Texas Statute & Texas Constitution. Both the Texas Secretary of State and the state Director of Elections are at fault.

People waiting to vote
Why Vote, if your vote is being Stolen?

The issue is not new. published an article “States ditch electronic voting machines” in droves.  The Texas Attorney General’s office has been asked to launch an investigation into vote fraud in Hill County, Texas.  And recently hundreds of Texas voters have been fighting the actions of the State authorizing the use of electronic voting machines that do not comply with the Texas Constitution and Texas Election Code.

Keith Ingram (state Director of Elections) has been granting waivers to counties Continue reading “Why Vote, if Your Vote is Being Stolen?”

OUTSTANDING Calls for Constitutional Convention, from 1899 forward (in Texas)

Statue at Capitol
Statue at Texas Capitol

If it’s true that an Article V convention can be limited by the several sovereign states as the con con proponents claim, then why won’t these same confident voters and legislators remove the possibility of a Texas delegate to go rogue in a con con? Continue reading “OUTSTANDING Calls for Constitutional Convention, from 1899 forward (in Texas)”

A Con Con; Texas Lacks Effective Sovereign Leadership & Integrity

If Gov. Abbott wants Texas to participate in a con con as he has stated in his Texas Plan, let’s examine those Texans 1787 Constitutional Conventionother than the governor, who would be a delegate to represent Texas at such a con con.

Rep. Phil King, chair of the House committee on State & Federal Power & Responsibility- Select, authored a bill in 2015 which proposed how Texas would select her con con delegates.  As is often times the case, it’s not so much what the bill says as it is what the bill doesn’t say in the obvious sense. Continue reading “A Con Con; Texas Lacks Effective Sovereign Leadership & Integrity”

Gov. Abbott Wants a Con Con, part II

The Article V convention is a Constitutional Convention [Part II]

In Governor Abbott’s own words, his Texas Plan calls for a “constitutional convention”, a.k.a con con. He calls for a constitutional convention no less than 5 times (pages 67 & 68). This flies in the face of those who support his Article V Convention (from the right and the left). The Convention of States supporters have vehemently denied this “amending” convention could have the authority to rewrite the U.S. Constitution, and they come out swinging when constitutionalists describe their “amending convention” as a con con. Well, it seems that the governor has slung mud on the faces of his supporters, or the governor didn’t author the Texas Plan and lacks knowledge of its contents. Either is no excusable matter. Continue reading “Gov. Abbott Wants a Con Con, part II”

What is a State Ratifying Convention?

The 21st Amendment – and Ratifying Conventions

Only once in U.S. history has Congress used the state ratifying conventions mentioned in Article V to amend the U.S. Constitution. This occurred in 1933 for the 21st Amendment.  What is a state ratifying convention? Continue reading “What is a State Ratifying Convention?”

Convention of States Lied to Texans

Texas Plan
By Governor Greg Abbott

Texans don’t like to be deceived and lied to. It is especially disappointing when that Texan has invested countless hours and resources behind a leader’s words, trusting that the leader has Texan’s best interests in mind.

Well, in politics just as in business, it is unwise to trust your resources to another without proper oversight and investigation.

Convention of States proponents have long been told by such deceivers as Michael Farris, Mark Meckler, Mark Levin, and Tom Colburn to name just a few, that the Article V convention is not a constitutional convention – it can’t be, and it won’t be.  They further pretend that those naysayers claiming that it is a constitutional convention are ignorant or misleading, and refuse to do anything about our runaway federal government. Continue reading “Convention of States Lied to Texans”