If your political involvement supports term limits in this country, then you’re able to grasp this…
Let’s take Congress as an example:
Term limits would extend the Lame Duck Session from 2 months to 2 years in the House, and from 2 months to 6 years in the Senate.
Tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth… that’s the strategy in the playbook of the ConCon proponents selling legislators and voters the idea that the U.S. constitution is broken, and amending it will fix the federal body.
One such group – State Legislators Article V Caucus – speaks for a handful of pro-ConCon political action groups, including Convention of States (COS), and Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force (BBATF). Attempting to snag any low hanging fruit, they emailed a November newsletter to all state legislators claiming support from one particular person of influence. Per their newsletter, they claim he has now joined forces with the BBATF to “shepherd the BBA effort to completion”. This is an outright lie.
Last Thursday House Rep. Briscoe Cain, a freshman, objected to a House floor motion to suspend the Rules that notice be posted for 5 days prior to a bill being heard in a committee hearing (HJR 56).
The irony!
I bet Rep. Cain is starting to understand how politics is conducted – notwithstanding the “rules”. Rep. Cain is author and coauthor of no less than 3 bills that support an Article V convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. One of those bills, HB 506 proposes to place limitations on Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Perhaps now Rep. Cain can see why opponents to the Article V convention don’t buy the lie that Texas can control delegates to such a convention. A modern day constitutional convention has the same inherent ability as the 1787 constitutional convention to suspend rules, throw out the press, meet in secret, and work with George Soros-supported-delegates to propose an entirely new constitution. Continue reading “The Irony – A Con Con Could Suspend Rules Too?”
In an outlandish election season almost asking for selling show tickets and popcorn, it’s appropriate to spend time considering our country’s voting methods — including how secure vote results are from tampering. Should we be concerned? Yes. The following story illustrates one reason why. Read the story….
Craig Anderson, KWEL radio in Midland, TX (AM 1070 / FM 107.1) interviews Barbara Harless, on such questions:
Will Congress follow a new Constitution if they violate the current one?
A Balanced Budget Amendment – Why not?
How long will a con con last?
Who will Chair a con con?
What can Texas do then, when DC violates their Oath?… Continue reading ““We want to Amend the Constitution. You, just want to do Nothing!””
Irregular vote counting procedures across Texas have been brought to light dealing with violations of Texas Statute & Texas Constitution. Both the Texas Secretary of State and the state Director of Elections are at fault.
Why Vote, if your vote is being Stolen?
The issue is not new. TheHill.com published an article “States ditch electronic voting machines” in droves. The Texas Attorney General’s office has been asked to launch an investigation into vote fraud in Hill County, Texas. And recently hundreds of Texas voters have been fighting the actions of the State authorizing the use of electronic voting machines that do not comply with the Texas Constitution and Texas Election Code.
Texans don’t like to be deceived and lied to. It is especially disappointing when that Texan has invested countless hours and resources behind a leader’s words, trusting that the leader has Texan’s best interests in mind.
Well, in politics just as in business, it is unwise to trust your resources to another without proper oversight and investigation.
Convention of States proponents have long been told by such deceivers as Michael Farris, Mark Meckler, Mark Levin, and Tom Colburn to name just a few, that the Article V convention is not a constitutional convention – it can’t be, and it won’t be. They further pretend that those naysayers claiming that it is a constitutional convention are ignorant or misleading, and refuse to do anything about our runaway federal government. Continue reading “Convention of States Lied to Texans”
In what is a growing movement of state interposition against federal judicial tyranny, the Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore today issued an order directing probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals. The order states: