Politico on Perry’s Plan to Stay Relevant for 2016;
Cruz on House-Passed CR & Filibuster; Cruz on Fox News Sunday;
AP on TX GOP Missteps; MRT on TV in Dallas & Houston Tomorrow.
Tag: GOP
2014 Primary Voting; on Principle or a Race Horse?
Two absolute requirements for a healthy republic:
Electing the right people (voting) and keeping watch over those elected (government).
1.) Voting: State and federal officials will be determined (elected) in the March 4, 2014 primaries (not necessarily the November general elections).
2.) Keeping watch over government: Does Sen. John Cornyn, a 12 year U.S. Senator, cease to serve Texans? His most recent display of violation of American sovereignty occurred on August 1st where Sen. Cornyn voted in favor Continue reading “2014 Primary Voting; on Principle or a Race Horse?”