Why Texans don’t have faith in an Article V Convention

Texas has the independent power, without the advice or consent of any other state, to enforce the 10th Amendment

An Article V Convention won’t work to benefit the People because the same legislators who refuse to enforce the good parts in the current constitution will be the ones to propose new amendments.1787 Constitutional Convention

Did Joe Straus appoint Rep. Phil King to chair the House committee that would oversee 10th Amendment bills because King could be counted on to stall any and all good 10th Amendment action bills? Would Straus be a likely Texas delegate to an Article V Convention? The answer to both questions is a very possible yes. Continue reading “Why Texans don’t have faith in an Article V Convention”

“NO” to 26% Increase in State Spending

Your phone calls WORKED! Gov. Perry vetoed SB 346 yesterday (May 25th), but our job is not finished! Please continue to make your voice count…

  1. Urge the House to Reject HB 1025 & SB 1 budget bill
  2. Urge the Governor to Veto if House Passes

See full explanation and contact information at: http://gawtp.com/spending-up-26-texas-legislature-takes-wild-left-turn-spends-like-theres-no-tomorrow/

BAD Bill Alert…SB 1029 removes local public hearing/county commissioner approval (toll roads)

Below is a cut & paste from Terri Hall (http://texasturf.org/grassroots-action-center/327-bad-bill-alert). Read her explanation below – or – go to the bottom of this article for info on what you can do now – TODAY – to stop this bad bill

SB 1029 keeps 5 loopholes in the law that allow the conversion of free lanes into toll lanes, removes public vote Continue reading “BAD Bill Alert…SB 1029 removes local public hearing/county commissioner approval (toll roads)”

Transportation, Death Panels, Smart Meters and Privacy..bills in Austin

Friday May 10th, 4:30pm
Here is the update of some bills remaining alive after this week’s deadlines. 2nd Amendment bills are not listed here. Continue reading “Transportation, Death Panels, Smart Meters and Privacy..bills in Austin”

May8th Action Alert-Bills in Austin

(click on bill#s for link to read the bills…)

SB 241 Coming up for a vote TODAY in the Senate– Will give Texans the right to opt out of Smart Meters and keep Texas off the federal grid. Please contact your senator and ask that they support this bill.

 HB1608 Coming up for a vote THURSDAY in the House- Will determine whether our state will respect the privacy of your mobile phone geolocation data. Mobile phones are designed to track everywhere they go, and law enforcement should have to demonstrate probable cause to a judge before gaining access to such intimate information about one’s whereabouts, associations, and activities. Contact your state representative and ask that they support this bill.

 HB149 Coming up for a vote THURSDAY in the House-Will protect Texans from the heinous provisions of the federal National Defense Authorization Act which allow American citizens to be indefinitely detained WITHOUT a warrant. Contact your state representative and ask that they support this bill.

 Find your STATE representative here: http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/Home.aspx


HB 3505 – establishment and administration of a state bullion depository

Please request Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations-Budget Transparency & Reform, Rep. Myra Crownover, to schedule and promptly VOTE YES on HB 3505, and suggest passage to the full body of the House of Representatives…
myra.crownover@house.state.tx.us (512) 463-0582

HB 3505 (Capriglione)
Establishment and administration of a state bullion depository Continue reading “–ACTION ALERT…HB 3505”

Template – Legislative Alert / Call to Action

Here is a good format for the data that should accompany an email alert and also good for lobbyists traveling to Austin:

Click to edit in google docs.

MS Word docx version:  3-17-13_ CALL TO ACTION outline


[SUBJECT] Continue reading “Template – Legislative Alert / Call to Action”