Why Vote, if Your Vote is Being Stolen?

Irregular vote counting procedures across Texas have been brought to light dealing with violations of Texas Statute & Texas Constitution. Both the Texas Secretary of State and the state Director of Elections are at fault.

People waiting to vote
Why Vote, if your vote is being Stolen?

The issue is not new. TheHill.com published an article “States ditch electronic voting machines” in droves.  The Texas Attorney General’s office has been asked to launch an investigation into vote fraud in Hill County, Texas.  And recently hundreds of Texas voters have been fighting the actions of the State authorizing the use of electronic voting machines that do not comply with the Texas Constitution and Texas Election Code.

Keith Ingram (state Director of Elections) has been granting waivers to counties Continue reading “Why Vote, if Your Vote is Being Stolen?”

OUTSTANDING Calls for Constitutional Convention, from 1899 forward (in Texas)

Statue at Capitol
Statue at Texas Capitol

If it’s true that an Article V convention can be limited by the several sovereign states as the con con proponents claim, then why won’t these same confident voters and legislators remove the possibility of a Texas delegate to go rogue in a con con? Continue reading “OUTSTANDING Calls for Constitutional Convention, from 1899 forward (in Texas)”

Where’s Texas on Interposition? Tennessee, and now Alabama Gets It

In what is a growing movement of state interposition against federal judicial tyranny, the Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore 10th amendment_Nullification DVDtoday issued an order directing probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals. The order states:


Until further decision by… (read more)

7 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS – Put Through The Test

An NFL referee can’t perform his duty if he’s not well educated on the 200+ page rule book. Voters can’t expedite their duty if they don’t know the rules restricting government  – that is the Supreme Law of the land; the 34 page U.S. Constitution.  It is upon these principles that our Texas Constitution and statutes are supposed to be enacted.

If you plan to vote on the 7 proposed amendments to our 200+ page Texas Constitution, you should have consistent rules by which you judge every amendment.  I consistently use the U.S. Constitution as my benchmark.   My three test questions are found here because every law increases the size, scope, and cost of government.

Here’s a summary of the 7 proposals and their constitutionality… Continue reading “7 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS – Put Through The Test”

QUESTIONS for the Pro Article V convention advocates

This is the first of several postings intended to encourage civil, thoughtful debate regarding the idea of an Article V convention to amend the U.S. Constitution.

The Texas 84th legislature defeated the A5 (Article V) convention effort to re-write the U.S. Constitution this year. But those pushing the effort will return next session with even more paid lobbyists from outside of Texas pressing our legislators to join the scheme.

Texas should refrain from participating in a re-write of our form of government.

Pro Article V convention lobbyists have instructed Texans to challenge the accusation that an Article V convention could be a constitutional convention (con con) but they refuse to answer pertinent questions with reliable facts. Here are the first in a series of questions for Texans to ponder:
QUESTION #1 that the pro con-con effort won’t answer:

1.)  When was the 1899 Texas call for a constitutional convention rescinded?
A5 convention lobbyists are sure that a convention can be limited, yet there is an un-limited call outstanding from Texas.

If the Texas legislature supports a “limited” A5 convention, why didn’t ¹HJR 144 pass in the 84th Legislature?  HJR 144 was killed in the House Committee on State & Federal Power & Responsibility, Select, chaired by Representatives Phil King and Paul Workman, who also happen to have authored bills advocating for a “limited” A5 convention.

¹ [HJR 144 by Rep. Elkins, proposed to rescind the unlimited call for a constitutional convention, dated June 1899]


The State’s Answer to a Federal Tyrant…

…is in the U.S. Constitution.

Good News Bad News
The good news for Texas is that the 84th Texas senate thwarted the effort of the house to open up our U.S. Constitution and our form of government to a complete re-write. The bad news is that ¹80 house reps are either ignorant of our form of government, or they despise it.  Either reason is not good news.

Two bills passed in the house and fortunately were stopped in the senate; HB 1110 and HJR 77. Let’s look at HJR 77 Continue reading “The State’s Answer to a Federal Tyrant…”

Sen. Van Taylor’s Ethics Reform bill – TRASHED in the House

Tuesday May 27th the Texas House of Representatives came out showing their true colors by effectively killing Sen. Van Taylor’s bill to increase transparency of government officials and terminate conflicts of interest.

SB 19 by Van Taylor was passed unanimously in the senate (April 28) but is being gutted and used to further shield government actions from public eyes over in the House of Representatives, under the leadership of Speaker Joe Straus. Continue reading “Sen. Van Taylor’s Ethics Reform bill – TRASHED in the House”

How threatening is the U.S. Constitution?

When a marriage goes south, the partners don’t amend the marriage vows to keep the vows compliant with issues of infidelity.

Likewise, when the federal government violates their Oath, we must not change the words in the constitution to justify federal non-compliance.  Enforce the 10th Amendment first, and then see what America looks like. Continue reading “How threatening is the U.S. Constitution?”

Texas already has Pre-K public education for the “Disadvantaged”

If only the average Texan had the time to read the entire Education Code, the average Texan would understand all the current options available to the so-called “disadvantaged” urban School-Voucherschildren.

This blogger just found part of the Education Code that already allows for public Pre-K  (government day-care) for “disadvantaged” children as young as 3 years of age.
Sec. 29.153. FREE PREKINDERGARTEN FOR CERTAIN CHILDREN, allows for public “daycare” for children satisfying any of these requirements:
1. Unable to speak and comprehend the English language Continue reading “Texas already has Pre-K public education for the “Disadvantaged””

Why Texans don’t have faith in an Article V Convention

Texas has the independent power, without the advice or consent of any other state, to enforce the 10th Amendment

An Article V Convention won’t work to benefit the People because the same legislators who refuse to enforce the good parts in the current constitution will be the ones to propose new amendments.1787 Constitutional Convention

Did Joe Straus appoint Rep. Phil King to chair the House committee that would oversee 10th Amendment bills because King could be counted on to stall any and all good 10th Amendment action bills? Would Straus be a likely Texas delegate to an Article V Convention? The answer to both questions is a very possible yes. Continue reading “Why Texans don’t have faith in an Article V Convention”