QUOTING… “The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.” — Ronald Reagan |
Happy new year — we’ve got the establishment guys on the run! One politician is so scared that you’ll look at his records, he’s playing bait-and-switch games on social media to distract voters.
On a less happy note, 2014 is when an unelected state bureaucracy wants to increase Texans electric bills by $4 billion in what amounts to a massive tax hike. And the most liberal Republican in the state senate is letting them get away with it.
I’m feeling great about the opportunity we have in 2014 — and appreciate so much the great response we’ve had over the last week to our end-of-’13 fundraising needs! (Anyone who hasn’t contributed can still do so, of course.)
Now, on about the task of informing citizens about the actions and activities of their elected officials…
Branch’s Duck Bait
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