Politico: Cruz Vaults to Top of 2016 Poll; Cruz Pressuring Boehner?;
TAB Supports AA-US Air Merger; Medina for Gov?
Good evening from Austin.
This is the latest daily MRT email I’ll ever send. I’m truly sorry.
I know many of you rely on this email and I apologize for it being this late.
Here’s the (short) brief:
Your 3 absolute Must Reads:
> Politco reports that a PPP poll taken right after the Defund Obamacare ‘filibuster’ found U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in first place among potential Republican candidates for President in 2016.
> Several news outlets are reporting that Sen. Cruz is working with House conservative to pressure Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on the continuing resolution.
> The Texas Association of Business is endorsing the American Airlines – U.S. Airways merger. Continue reading “Must Read Texas – September 27, 2013”