Good Link – Legislation passed in Austin

Here’s a good link to keep up with what bills are being passed in Austin:

To get to this link, if you should lose sight of this post:

…if you’re looking for a particular subject, you can cut to the chase by hitting Ctrl+F and typing a key word into the box, which should highlight all of those words on that page.  Ex: “firearm” will highlight all the text on that page that has “firearm” in it.

Texas Death Panel dies in Committee, with Heated Testimonies

I want to thank Rep. Lois Kolkhorst for her leadership on the House Committee on Public Health. SB 303 (aka Death Panel bill) has died in her committee, and with good reason.

SB 303, by Representatives Deuell | Estes | Lucio III, proposes to remove my inherent right to life and Continue reading “Texas Death Panel dies in Committee, with Heated Testimonies”

Invasion of Privacy and Dereliction of Fiscal Duty

This year, Senator John Carona (Dallas) authored a bill (SB 241) that would allow electricity consumers to opt-out of the advanced meters (aka smart meters) without additional fees, but the bill is dead in the senate. This story reads much like the TSA Anti-Groping bill by David Simpson in the 82nd legislative session. Continue reading “Invasion of Privacy and Dereliction of Fiscal Duty”

BAD Bill Alert…SB 1029 removes local public hearing/county commissioner approval (toll roads)

Below is a cut & paste from Terri Hall ( Read her explanation below – or – go to the bottom of this article for info on what you can do now – TODAY – to stop this bad bill

SB 1029 keeps 5 loopholes in the law that allow the conversion of free lanes into toll lanes, removes public vote Continue reading “BAD Bill Alert…SB 1029 removes local public hearing/county commissioner approval (toll roads)”

Guns & Gold…bills to be heard on Monday

May 11, 8:45am

There are three 2nd Amendment bills being heard in public hearings on Monday, May 13, as well as HB 78. Continue reading “Guns & Gold…bills to be heard on Monday”

Transportation, Death Panels, Smart Meters and Privacy..bills in Austin

Friday May 10th, 4:30pm
Here is the update of some bills remaining alive after this week’s deadlines. 2nd Amendment bills are not listed here. Continue reading “Transportation, Death Panels, Smart Meters and Privacy..bills in Austin”

Supremacy Clause; Subject to Judicial Whim?

An exceptionally intelligent and civic minded group of high school students traveled to the Capitol with NTCL on May 6th.   Their visit to one of the 181 legislators’ office revealed some disappointment during civil discourse centered on the supremacy clause Continue reading “Supremacy Clause; Subject to Judicial Whim?”

May8th Action Alert-Bills in Austin

(click on bill#s for link to read the bills…)

SB 241 Coming up for a vote TODAY in the Senate– Will give Texans the right to opt out of Smart Meters and keep Texas off the federal grid. Please contact your senator and ask that they support this bill.

 HB1608 Coming up for a vote THURSDAY in the House- Will determine whether our state will respect the privacy of your mobile phone geolocation data. Mobile phones are designed to track everywhere they go, and law enforcement should have to demonstrate probable cause to a judge before gaining access to such intimate information about one’s whereabouts, associations, and activities. Contact your state representative and ask that they support this bill.

 HB149 Coming up for a vote THURSDAY in the House-Will protect Texans from the heinous provisions of the federal National Defense Authorization Act which allow American citizens to be indefinitely detained WITHOUT a warrant. Contact your state representative and ask that they support this bill.

 Find your STATE representative here:

North Texas Citizens’ Lobby visit with Rep. Jeff Leach

NTCL visits with Rep. Jeff Leach on May 7th.  Pictured: Dennis Scharp, Barbara Harless, Linda Townson, Mark Reid, Chuck Molyneaux, and some passionate and well-spoken students from north Texas. Keep up the good work Rep. Leach!
NTCL visits with Rep. Jeff Leach on May 7th. Pictured: Dennis Scharp, Barbara Harless, Linda Townson, Mark Reid, Chuck Molyneaux, and some passionate and well-spoken students from north Texas. Keep up the good work Rep. Leach!

Our heart-felt gratitude to Rep. Leach, Mary McClure, and his entire staff for making our weekly trips to Austin more productive and comfortable.

Smart Meter OPT OUT-Call YOUR Senator

ATTN: Texas… Our Smart meter Bill was voted out of committee – and it needs some strong support. Please phone your state Senator and express your support in opting OUT of electric advanced meters… NOW !!!

This isn’t the bill we as consumers wanted but at this stage, it’s the best we have.


…Dewhurst won’t put it for a Senate floor vote until he has 21 senators that will vote “yea”. Tell YOUR senator to phone Dewhurst to report their “yea” vote!

Find your senator’s phone# here:

March 7th Smart Meter Briefing in Austin…