Another thing about yesterday’s ignorant DMN editorial:
It says tea partiers are “ANTI–government,” that we “question the need” for “core functions” of government.
That, friends, as we all know, is false.
*Controlling everyone’s health care decisions is not a core function of government.
*Forcing young, healthy Americans to buy health insurance is not a core function of government.
*Forcing hardworking families’ deductibles and premiums through the roof is not a core function of government.
*Income redistribution is not a core function of government.
*Running trillion-dollar annual deficits is not a core function of government.
*Using the IRS to silence opponents is not a core function of government.
*Arming our enemies in the Middle East is not a core function of government.
*Decreeing, changing, ignoring laws from The White House is not a core function of government.
*Opening our borders to any and everyone is not a core function of government.
*Lying about Benghazi and Fast and Furious is not a core function of government.
*Feeding every school kid in America, regardless of need, is not a core function of government.
Got it? See the difference?
1) Networks blame GOP for shutdown in 41 stories; Dems 0
2) By 100-1, media cover government shutdown victims over Obamacare victims
3) Obamacare spikes health premiums in 45 states
4) Harvard study: tea partiers more scientifically literate than others
(DMN editors would chew off their thumbs before reporting this.)
5) Food Stamp recruiters have 150-per-month quotas
Meanwhile, The News’ “news”
*Local federal workers relieved for now but fear same ordeal soon, p. 1A – Oh, good. Thousands of North Texas federal workers — especially those EPA folks The News has been sooooo concerned about — are OK. But for the mulitudes who’ll soon be paying thousands more each year for health care? Nada. Nothing. … Again, what do these hoards of EPA workers do all day? That’d make a great Sunday feature!
*Immigration tops Obama’s agenda, AP, p. 11A – No, that’s “illegal immigration.” Odd, the word “illegal” appears nowhere here.
*[Syrian] Rebels kill intelligence official, Wire reports, p. 14A – Did they use Dear Leader-supplied weapons? Story doesn’t say. In fact, Dear Leader isn’t mentioned at all.
*Millions remain enslaved in Africa, LATimes, p. 16A – Missing context: Does Al Sharpton know about this? How ’bout Jesse Jackson? And why bury this on 16A? After all, millions of low-info voters have no idea about this, having been taught that America invented slavery, and only America practiced it. … (America, of course, got rid of slavery — unlike these African nations.)
*[Komen Race for the Cure] Focus is on a cure, not politics, p. 1B – DMN Dem scribe Christina Rosales says Komen “quickly backtracked” last year in its flap with Planned Parenthood, “due to public outcry.” Actually, Ms. Rosales, Komen backtracked due to a thuggish, vile, left-wing assault — backed by the mainstream media. (Note: had Dear Leader backed-off on parts of Obamacare this week, would The News have reported it was due to “public outcry?”Absolutely NOT.)