8 Proposed Texas Constitution Amendments Nov. 2, 2021

8 proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution will be on the Nov. 2, 2021 ballot for all Texas registered voters.
Three questions must be answered to evaluate the constitutionality of each proposal…
1) Is it “constitutional”?
(Supports the constitutional republic)
2) Is there a need?
(Do all the People have a need for and benefit from the proposed government intervention?)
3) Affordability?
(Can the People afford it? Is the cost equal and uniform?)
To understand why these questions are important, see this explanation: https://ntcl.org/2013/10/13/all-laws-must-pass-the-constitutional-test/
Additionally, do you know how your elected House Representative and your Senator voted on each of these?  This article will tell you on each of the 8 proposals. Please call them. Ask them why they voted the way they did.

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Where’s Texas on Interposition? Tennessee, and now Alabama Gets It

In what is a growing movement of state interposition against federal judicial tyranny, the Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore 10th amendment_Nullification DVDtoday issued an order directing probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals. The order states:


Until further decision by… (read more)