Craig Anderson, KWEL radio in Midland, TX (AM 1070 / FM 107.1) interviews Barbara Harless, on such questions:
Will Congress follow a new Constitution if they violate the current one?
A Balanced Budget Amendment – Why not?
How long will a con con last?
Who will Chair a con con?
What can Texas do then, when DC violates their Oath?…
Continue reading ““We want to Amend the Constitution. You, just want to do Nothing!””
Tag: Texas Plan
OUTSTANDING Calls for Constitutional Convention, from 1899 forward (in Texas)

If it’s true that an Article V convention can be limited by the several sovereign states as the con con proponents claim, then why won’t these same confident voters and legislators remove the possibility of a Texas delegate to go rogue in a con con? Continue reading “OUTSTANDING Calls for Constitutional Convention, from 1899 forward (in Texas)”
Gov. Abbott Wants a Con Con, part II
The Article V convention is a Constitutional Convention [Part II]
In Governor Abbott’s own words, his Texas Plan calls for a “constitutional convention”, a.k.a con con. He calls for a constitutional convention no less than 5 times (pages 67 & 68). This flies in the face of those who support his Article V Convention (from the right and the left). The Convention of States supporters have vehemently denied this “amending” convention could have the authority to rewrite the U.S. Constitution, and they come out swinging when constitutionalists describe their “amending convention” as a con con. Well, it seems that the governor has slung mud on the faces of his supporters, or the governor didn’t author the Texas Plan and lacks knowledge of its contents. Either is no excusable matter. Continue reading “Gov. Abbott Wants a Con Con, part II”