Craig Anderson, KWEL radio in Midland, TX (AM 1070 / FM 107.1) interviews Barbara Harless, on such questions:
Will Congress follow a new Constitution if they violate the current one?
A Balanced Budget Amendment – Why not?
How long will a con con last?
Who will Chair a con con?
What can Texas do then, when DC violates their Oath?…
Continue reading ““We want to Amend the Constitution. You, just want to do Nothing!””
Tag: Governor Abbott
Why Vote, if Your Vote is Being Stolen?
Irregular vote counting procedures across Texas have been brought to light dealing with violations of Texas Statute & Texas Constitution. Both the Texas Secretary of State and the state Director of Elections are at fault.

The issue is not new. published an article “States ditch electronic voting machines” in droves. The Texas Attorney General’s office has been asked to launch an investigation into vote fraud in Hill County, Texas. And recently hundreds of Texas voters have been fighting the actions of the State authorizing the use of electronic voting machines that do not comply with the Texas Constitution and Texas Election Code.
Keith Ingram (state Director of Elections) has been granting waivers to counties Continue reading “Why Vote, if Your Vote is Being Stolen?”