Will Obamacare “Destroy” the Elderly?

by Ron Woodruff

The Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act

Our government is aggressively promoting The Affordable Care Act as the way to provide health care for 30 million Americans who currently have no coverage.  By implication, many supporters falsely assume that our beloved government is “giving” health care to everyone for free.  Sadly, those who live with this assumption are the least inclined to investigate the realities of this grotesque law.  The ultimate and total cost of Obamacare to all Americans, individually and collectively, is beyond our ability to predict.  Our current government, through some diabolical combination of Continue reading “Will Obamacare “Destroy” the Elderly?”

Making a Difference

clipart-the-ripple-effectHow valuable is your time?  Are you making good use of your efforts?

No matter how you feel about Edward Snowden, one thing most agree on is how much his actions mattered.  President Obama skillfully admitted this fact recently, when he ‘decided’ to try to rewrite a section of the Patriot Act and declassify more security documents.  The point is: actions matter, even if they seem like small things at first.   Continue reading “Making a Difference”

2014 Primary Voting; on Principle or a Race Horse?

Two absolute requirements for a healthy republic:
Electing the right people (voting) and keeping watch over those elected (government).

1.) Voting: State and federal officials will be determined (elected) in the March 4, 2014 primaries (not necessarily the November general elections).

2.) Keeping watch over government: Does Sen. John Cornyn, a 12 year U.S. Senator, cease to serve Texans? His most recent display of violation of American sovereignty occurred on August 1st where Sen. Cornyn voted in favor Continue reading “2014 Primary Voting; on Principle or a Race Horse?”

Defund ObamaCare – DontFundIt.com

obamacare-logo_fullWould it be a surprise to learn that we have one Texas Senator who is championing the fight against the upcoming Obamacare trainwreck and one Senator who is giving false reasons for not supporting the effort and siding with the DC establishment?   Continue reading “Defund ObamaCare – DontFundIt.com”

North Texas Congressional Scorecard

TXDistricts3Twice per year, The New American publishes The Freedom Index.  This is a scorecard of U.S. Senators and Congressmen where key issues such as federal disaster assistance, CISPA, and ObamaCare repeal are used to determine how closely each congressman voted in adherence to the principles of the U.S. Constitution.  Below is a summery of how the representatives from the north Texas area scored.   Continue reading “North Texas Congressional Scorecard”

The Richest City in America

 by Ron Woodruff


In 1960, Detroit had the highest per capita income of any city in the U.S.   Wow!   How much farther could a city fall in 50 years?   But surely, nothing like that could ever happen to Houston or Dallas or Austin or McKinney!   Not here.   Right?   No Way.   Right?  Continue reading “The Richest City in America”

Who Grants Individual Rights?

by Barbara Harless

“All rights are derived from property”, as is so aptly stated by the step-father of the U.S. Constitution, Michael Badnarik.  The foremost piece of property Continue reading “Who Grants Individual Rights?”

Government Collects Non-Criminal Data for Individual Freedom?

by Barbara Harless

The Texas 83rd Legislature failed to pass strong 2nd Amendment bills that support individual right of self-defense and individual right to defend individual property.  Instead, they Continue reading “Government Collects Non-Criminal Data for Individual Freedom?”

Generation Joshua

Founded in 2003, the Generation Joshua  youth organization aims to encourage young people to learn about and become involved in government, history, civics and politics.  Generation Joshua seeks to educate students on Continue reading “Generation Joshua”