If you grew up in the 50’s or 60’s, you huddled around the television set once each year when Metro Goldwyn Mayer would air a musical titled, The Wizard of Oz. The musical trek from the Land of Oz to the Emerald City was a 2 hour televised fantasy trip down a yellow brick road to ask the Wizard of Oz to grant magical powers to those less fortunate souls; such as to grant a heart for the Tin Man, courage for the Lion, a brain for the Scarecrow, and a trip back to Kansas for Dorothy Gale and her little dog Toto (to be reunited with her Auntie Em and Uncle Henry). Follwoing advice from the Munchkins and Glinda the good witch, Dorothy and Toto follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City to seek the help of the Wizard of Oz. Continue reading “Dorothy & Toto Finally “Got It” – Why Can’t Mark Levin?”
Category: 2013 – 113th
OBAMACARE – How many Texans favor taking the “bribe” money?

by Dennis Scharp
Re: Perry, think beyond West (Letter to the editor in the Dallas Morning News; 9 August).
This East Dallas resident, Kurt Wolfenbarger, opined that it was good news that the city of West was successful in getting FEMA disaster relief funds from the Federal Government. However, he then chided Governor Perry for not accepting the Federal “bribe” money associated with Obamacare.
How many others are there Continue reading “OBAMACARE – How many Texans favor taking the “bribe” money?”
Will Obamacare “Destroy” the Elderly?
by Ron Woodruff

Our government is aggressively promoting The Affordable Care Act as the way to provide health care for 30 million Americans who currently have no coverage. By implication, many supporters falsely assume that our beloved government is “giving” health care to everyone for free. Sadly, those who live with this assumption are the least inclined to investigate the realities of this grotesque law. The ultimate and total cost of Obamacare to all Americans, individually and collectively, is beyond our ability to predict. Our current government, through some diabolical combination of Continue reading “Will Obamacare “Destroy” the Elderly?”
Defund ObamaCare – DontFundIt.com
Would it be a surprise to learn that we have one Texas Senator who is championing the fight against the upcoming Obamacare trainwreck and one Senator who is giving false reasons for not supporting the effort and siding with the DC establishment? Continue reading “Defund ObamaCare – DontFundIt.com”
North Texas Congressional Scorecard
Twice per year, The New American publishes The Freedom Index. This is a scorecard of U.S. Senators and Congressmen where key issues such as federal disaster assistance, CISPA, and ObamaCare repeal are used to determine how closely each congressman voted in adherence to the principles of the U.S. Constitution. Below is a summery of how the representatives from the north Texas area scored. Continue reading “North Texas Congressional Scorecard”