WHO: All who support the tea party principles of Limited Government, Fiscal Sanity, Personal Responsibility, Rule of Law, and National and State Sovereignty, whether you belong to a group, attend meetings or not! Dozens and dozens of tea parties from around the state are participating!
WHAT: First ever statewide tea party rally
WHERE: South Steps of the Texas Capitol Building in Austin
WHEN: Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Rally Before The Rally – 11:30-noon
Rally – noon-1pm
Breakout Sessions – 2:00pm and 3:30pm (see link below)
Citizen Lobbying – 1:30-5:00pm (names of Reps to visit and talking points provided via flyer)
WHY: To check on legislation mid-session and to show the combined strength of Texas tea partiers
Brandon Darby, Managing Director of Breitbart Texas
Michael Quinn Sullivan, President of Empower Texans/Texans for Fiscal Responsibility
Jonathan Stickland, Texas’ #1 most conservative State Representative (District 92)
and more!
More info, see: https://www.facebook.com/events/1592471564298347/
Category: 2015 – 84th Regular
NULLIFICATION bill-Texas Balance of Power Act
Rep. Dan Flynn (Canton), has authored legislation to create the Joint Legislative Committee on Nullification (HB 98). A gold star goes to Flynn!
The Chair of the House Select Committee on State & Federal Power & Responsibility has joint authored the bill, Rep. Phil King (Weatherford), which merits a gold star as well, because it will be Rep. King’s committee Continue reading “NULLIFICATION bill-Texas Balance of Power Act”
Do you support the 10th Amendment?
Do you support the 10th Amendment?
Do you think amending the U.S. Constitution will restore your freedom?
HERE IS A DRAFTED RESOLUTION WAITING FOR AN AUTHOR TO CARRY IT (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5osUEitCWr0dzNqWC0xQ3Fyb28/view?usp=sharing )
Your legislator can not say it’s too late to work on this. NOT SO. It’s been processed by the Texas Legislative Council (see the alpha-numeric number at the bottom left corner of each page) and ready to go, just sitting at the Texas Legislative Council waiting for him or her to pick it up and file it. FRIDAY IS THE LAST DAY TO FILE LEGISLATION Continue reading “Do you support the 10th Amendment?”
The 84th Legislature will heat up next week, with 29 Committee Hearings scheduled as of today.

Here’s a sampling of bills that are scheduled to be heard:
• Committees on Finance continue their hearings
• Compensatory education allotment funding to provide assistance with child care to students at risk of dropping out of school.
• Testing of students with limited English proficiency
• notifying a parent or guardian whether an employee of a school is appointed school marshal Continue reading “29 COMMITTEE HEARINGS NEXT WEEK”
DFW Area Senator Stops Talking to Taxpayer-Funded Lobbyist
Konni Burton, a first-term state senator representing the Fort Worth area, announced she will not deal with lobbyist who are paid with taxpayer dollars. She said
Our office is more than willing to meet with any lobbyist regarding issues facing businesses, individuals or trade organizations, just not those who are getting paid with taxpayer dollars, who very well could be pushing policy that is in direct conflict with the will of the people
No one would hire a lobbyist to represent their opponent in a business deal, so it’s not hard to see the conflict involved in the situation. At a very minimum, it is fiscally irresponsible to have taxpayers pay for it. Read more on this subject in the article in the Star-Telegram.
Update on Campus Carry and Open Carry Bills
West Texas Voice posted an update on the gun bills about campus carry and open carry that just passed the Texas Senate, as well as a law dealing with vape products. Read the article here.
School Choice; Vouchers / Taxpayer Savings Grants
Something must be done to break up the monopoly over the K-12 government school programs and something must be done for inner city students wishing to escape a failing government school campus. Very few Texans will oppose these goals but it is the devil involved in the details of such plans that draw opposition. Many are hoping that school vouchers or grants will solve the failing government policies.
What most parents don’t realize is that choice in government education already exists under Subchapter B of the Texas Education Code, “ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS”. Students can, and do, transfer from the campus serving their residence to another campus within their school district. They also transfer to another district, and even transfer to a district in a bordering U.S. state. This occurs most often in rural Texas without significant incident. Continue reading “School Choice; Vouchers / Taxpayer Savings Grants”
Please read these bills and if you are interested, please contact the committee members and voice your support/opposition. You do not have to reside in the committee members’ district to have an impact on these bills! The committee is charged with representing all Texans on those bills heard in their committee, It is their duty to allow the body of the entire Senate to discuss and vote on bills after they have passed out of the committee. It is at that time each senator should vote according to their district.
Bills to be heard in the State Affairs [SENATE Committee]
TIME & DATE: 9:00 AM, Thursday, February 12, 2015
PLACE: E1.016 (Hearing Room)
SB 11 Birdwell | et al.
Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education.
SB 17 Estes [ REVISED agenda – SB 17 added, SB 346 removed]
Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties.
Continue reading “ACTION ITEM -TWO 2nd AMENDMENT BILLS- scheduled for THURSDAY”
List of Gun Bills Filed in 84th Session
List of bills filed related to guns as of 2/8/2015:
Also available as a google spreadsheet for easy manipulation
Contact Lists For Texas Legislators Now Available
The email addresses, phone numbers (main Austin office), room numbers, twitter handles, and committee assignments are now published for the Senate and the House of the current Texas legislative session. There are links to these lists on the front page of ntcl.org, on the right-hand side bar, and are also available from the NTCL Resources menu on the top menu bar.
The contact lists can be filtered by committee by pressing the committee button and selecting the committee to filter by.
Columns can be hidden by pressing the show / hide columns button.
Continue reading “Contact Lists For Texas Legislators Now Available”