Introduction to NTCL-Sat. Sept 6th (1-2pm)

Becoming MORE effective with your government

Mission Statement of the North Texas Citizens Lobby:
“Through education and active civic participation, restore limited government that benefits all and shows preference to none.”

Join us!
In 1 hour we will present an overview of what the North Texas Citizens Lobby did in the 83rd Texas Legislative Session, and what we’re planning for the 84th Session (begins Jan. 13, 2015)

We want to share our model with you and invite you to see where you can make a difference.

Join us!
Sat. Sept 6th (1:00pm – 2:00pm)
Spring Creek BBQ-McKinney
1993 North Central Expressway
(at Highway 380)
McKinney, TX 75070

NTCL networks with citizen lobbyists in 7 north Texas counties, working together to watch what government is doing, engaging with government, and reporting it when there is still a window of opportunity for US to do something about it – not after the fact (like the 5:00 news report).  We ARE the news!

Join us Saturday, Sept 6th, from 1:00-2:00pm in McKinney, and bring a friend!

We’ll stick around for an hour afterwards, to answer any questions.