May8th Action Alert-Bills in Austin

(click on bill#s for link to read the bills…)

SB 241 Coming up for a vote TODAY in the Senate– Will give Texans the right to opt out of Smart Meters and keep Texas off the federal grid. Please contact your senator and ask that they support this bill.

 HB1608 Coming up for a vote THURSDAY in the House- Will determine whether our state will respect the privacy of your mobile phone geolocation data. Mobile phones are designed to track everywhere they go, and law enforcement should have to demonstrate probable cause to a judge before gaining access to such intimate information about one’s whereabouts, associations, and activities. Contact your state representative and ask that they support this bill.

 HB149 Coming up for a vote THURSDAY in the House-Will protect Texans from the heinous provisions of the federal National Defense Authorization Act which allow American citizens to be indefinitely detained WITHOUT a warrant. Contact your state representative and ask that they support this bill.

 Find your STATE representative here: