2017 in Review; Three ConCon bills Passed in Texas

[HINT: you have to read the bills to know what’s being done to you]

Here’s a Review of the 3 Article V Convention bills passed in the
Texas 85th Legislature (2017)

[you may have been deceived, again] Continue reading “2017 in Review; Three ConCon bills Passed in Texas”

Where’s Texas on Interposition? Tennessee, and now Alabama Gets It

In what is a growing movement of state interposition against federal judicial tyranny, the Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore 10th amendment_Nullification DVDtoday issued an order directing probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals. The order states:


Until further decision by… (read more)

The State’s Answer to a Federal Tyrant…

…is in the U.S. Constitution.

Good News Bad News
The good news for Texas is that the 84th Texas senate thwarted the effort of the house to open up our U.S. Constitution and our form of government to a complete re-write. The bad news is that ¹80 house reps are either ignorant of our form of government, or they despise it.  Either reason is not good news.

Two bills passed in the house and fortunately were stopped in the senate; HB 1110 and HJR 77. Let’s look at HJR 77 Continue reading “The State’s Answer to a Federal Tyrant…”

Why Texans don’t have faith in an Article V Convention

Texas has the independent power, without the advice or consent of any other state, to enforce the 10th Amendment

An Article V Convention won’t work to benefit the People because the same legislators who refuse to enforce the good parts in the current constitution will be the ones to propose new amendments.1787 Constitutional Convention

Did Joe Straus appoint Rep. Phil King to chair the House committee that would oversee 10th Amendment bills because King could be counted on to stall any and all good 10th Amendment action bills? Would Straus be a likely Texas delegate to an Article V Convention? The answer to both questions is a very possible yes. Continue reading “Why Texans don’t have faith in an Article V Convention”

NULLIFICATION bill-Texas Balance of Power Act

Rep. Dan Flynn (Canton), has authored legislation to create the Joint Legislative Committee on Nullification (HB 98). A gold star goes to Flynn!

The Chair of the House Select Committee on State & Federal Power & Responsibility has joint authored the bill, Rep. Phil King (Weatherford), which merits a gold star as well, because it will be Rep. King’s committee Continue reading “NULLIFICATION bill-Texas Balance of Power Act”

Two Gun Nullification Bills Filed Today by DFW Representatives

Two DFW area representatives filed strong second-amendment protection bills today:

Matt Krause, (R-Ft. Worth) filed House Bill 422 (HB422).  This bill would require that Texas refuse to enforce almost all federal gun control measures enacted at anytime – past, present or future.

Craig Goldman (R-Ft. Worth) filed House Bill 413 (HB413).  This bill declares all federal restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms to be “invalid” and “not enforceable” within the state of Texas.

These bills will need strong grassroots support to pass.

read more at:
