Freedom in Texas is Trending the Wrong Way

Screenshot from 2014-01-22 13:18:47A study at George Mason University revealed that the level of freedom in Texas has declined over the past 4 years.  While we can take pride in still being near the top of the list, I’d suggest we focus on why we are worse off than before, even though the a majority of our lawmakers are so-called ‘conservatives’ and would say freedom is one of their top priorities.  It is important to measure a person’s actions against their words– If our elected officials are voting or acting to increase spending, increase debt, or punish victim-less crimes, they are contributing to the trend towards less freedom.  It is our responsibility to correct the trend.

Texas prides itself on being a freedom-loving state, and at 14th in rank its citizens have something to be proud of. However, its policies are sometimes not as consistent with individual liberty as the rhetoric of its officials and citizens would suggest.

Community Broadband – Illegal in Texas

Community Broadband Preemption MapCommunities are increasingly organizing to build modern communications networks with the goal of bringing inexpensive and fast Internet service to their residents and local businesses.  It is ironic that Texas prides itself on being a haven for freedom but has some of the most restrictive laws among the states regarding who can provide Internet service.  The lone star state protects the incumbent big businesses, stifles the free market, and hampers innovation.  Current Texas laws causes higher prices and lower quality service. Continue reading “Community Broadband – Illegal in Texas”