Dallas Morning News Bias – February 8, 2014

*‘Duck Dynasty’ firm, speedway sign deal, p. 1B – “Texas Motor Speedway is courting controversy again” proclaims The News’ 1A teaser. Why is it only controversial” when NOT toeing the Left’s line on homosexual “marriage?” It’s never “controversial” at The News for two men to get married.
*Liked old health plan? You may get to keep it 3 years, AP, p. 11A – Aw, you can do better than this, DMN. Dear Leader announces, quite illegallyanother politically-expedient change to his law — and it gets a single, spine-hugging column, below-the-fold, complete with smart-assed headine? … Not noted here: this three-year extension“of the president’s decision” to let people keep their policies, will get Dems past not only the mid-terms, but the next presidential election. Why leave that out, AP?
Meanwhile, The News’ “news”
*Plano men at center of [homosexual] ‘marriage’ case, p. 1A – Whad-I tell ya’? Missing here: Plano men suing Texas to get married are courting controversy.
*Consumers can switch health plans, WashPo, p. 9A – More changes from On High, from our Central  Planner-in-Chief!! And WashPo reports it as benignly as minutes from a Wylie City Council meeting. … (Reporting like this, friends, gets us used to the idea of having a dictator.)   

Dallas Morning News Bias – February 6, 2014

*More CBO: Obamacare won’t reduce number of uninsured
(That’s right — it won’t change. But not a story at The News.)
*In Calif., Obamacare turning away cancer patients
(But thanks for American Idol kid runs for Congress!)
*Obamacare enrollees hitting roadblocks in Calif. doctors’ offices
(But thanks for Charleston W. Va. water safe to drink! … This is Cali, Land of Obamacare Compliance, friends. And this is what The News and Dallas civic leaders want.)
*Texas congresswoman: writing Executive Orders for Obama ‘our number one agenda’
*Hawaii schools teaching anal sex to 11-year-olds Continue reading “Dallas Morning News Bias – February 6, 2014”

Dallas Morning News Bias – February 5, 2014

*Obamacare Will Reduce Incomes Of Most Americans
*Obama’s radical DOJ civil rights nominee awaits confirmation
(Why haven’t we heard of this, DMN? This guy defended a famously BRUTAL cop-killer.)
*Obama’s debt hits $6.66 trillion
(More debt than in our first 227 years combined! But a snoozer at The News.)
*Report: Electric bills to rise 29 percent if environmentalists succeed
*GOP Senator: EPA regs may cause winter blackouts
*New Obamacare ads target young women with pets

Dallas Morning News Bias – February 4, 2014

*Three Cheers, To Jacquielynn Floyd, p. 12A – The News started these “Three Cheers” letters soon after Dear Leader was first elected. The idea was to carve out a “happy” place — for readers to be less negative and divisive(you know, conservative) and to “inspire readers to think and act positively.” (No “happy” place was needed when W. was prez and libs were flooding the page with hate.) But, if you’ll watch, The News will occasionally slip in politics here, like with this tome praising Hackie Floyd for her sneering attack on conservatives and the Munoz baby.That’s “acting positively” at The News.
*GOP hopefuls hesitant on [fracking/]quake link, p. 1A – That’s ‘cuz they’re bought and paid for by evil oil and gas goons!! That’s the “news” here from DMN Dem scribe David Barer. Barer notes early on that not linking fracking to quakes is curious since “scientists generally agree” on the link — and some Azle folks are “concerned”enough to ride busses to Austin! (Who paid for that, Dave?) Four times here Barer notes these “hesitant”Republicans receive oil and gas money, including immediately after three of them are quoted. The lone Dem here, who’s certain of the link, is described only as “minimally funded.” … See below, The News garnered the desired comments from its left-wing readership.
TODAY’S NOT NEWS TO THE DALLAS MORNING LIBERAL LEADER Continue reading “Dallas Morning News Bias – February 4, 2014”

Dallas Morning News Bias – February 2, 2014

*Texas congressman: We can stop Obama’s executive order abuses
*Union leaders say Obama betrayed them on Obamacare
(You don’t need to know this. Obamacare must “succeed,” as far as The News is concerned — and to hell with what it costs you.)
Meanwhile The News’ “news”
*Finding the grass greener; Colorado’s Legalization of Marijuana, p. 1A – Still — not a negative word on MJ use in The DMN. It’s all good! Enjoy!

Dallas Morning News Bias – February 1, 2014

*Colo. women’s center closes, cites Obamacare
(Great National brief, huh? But thanks for the Michigan car-wreck story.)
*Wash. State children denied specialty care under Obamacare
(Great National brief, huh? But thanks for the Iowa illegal-immigrant “exploitation” story. )
*Obamacare seeks to regulate pizza
Meanwhile, The News’ “news”
*Obama open to [immigration] deal, WashPo, p. 1A – What a magnificent statesman! A true leader! As if he and Holder aren’t going to do whatever they want once a “deal” is struck. Recall Dear Leader has “a pen and a phone.”That angle — absent here.

TURF Newsletter – January 30, 2014

Trans Texas Corridor back… AGAIN

TxDOT Study maps look eerily similar to TTC


TxDOT is hosting public meetings along the I-35 corridor to solicit public feedback on its Texas-Oklahoma Passenger Rail Study. Their documents show a map of a passenger rail in the I-35 corridor from Brownsville, McAllen, and Laredo, Texas, up into Oklahoma — just like the original Trans Texas Corridor!

If you can attend any of the meetings (see remaining schedule below). Please do so.


Please submit public comments opposing any passenger rail throughout our state. The eminent domain and lack of proven feasibility of any these projects is grounds enough to nix it. But the possibility remains that it could fall into the hands of a foreign corporation. Both China and Japan are possible players in bringing passenger rail to Texas.

So tell them you want the ‘No Build’ option!

Empower Texans Newsletter – January 31, 2014

Today’s QUOTE…  This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure.” — Winston Churchill 

We must not ever expect to agree completely with everyone who runs for office; philosophical and practical differences are the hallmark of the process. Indeed, as advocates for self-governance we rejoice in and encourage the debates and disagreements as signs of a healthy and vibrant political marketplace.

What cannot be tolerated, of course, are politicians who trade in deceit. We need daring leaders who exude honesty and character, first and always.

Opiela’s Deception…
Our general counsel, Tony McDonald, has written today about such deception occuring in the race for Agriculture Commissioner. He has found a disturbing pattern emerging in the campaign of House Speaker Joe Straus’ one-time lawyer, Eric Opiela.

Continue reading “Empower Texans Newsletter – January 31, 2014”

Dallas Morning News Bias – January 31, 2014

The News responded to my claim that no GOP State of the Union Response story appeared in my Wednesday paper —  an email from DMN Editor Bob Mong and a phone call from newsroom editor Mark Edgar.

Evidently, a story made later editions – in Dallas itself and closer suburbs – but didn’t clear soon enough to make editions going to McKinney and northward.
Fair enough, gentlemen. Thank you.

So why not run it the NEXT day – Thursday – like The News does for late Rangers or Mavericks games? They did not.

*Obamacare’s unpopularity rises among uninsured
(And check out these Pa. employees, below, learning what Obamacare will cost them. … The fraud being perpetrated by our mainstream media is stunning.)

Dallas Morning News Bias – January 29, 2014

The Communist, Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor
*ICE Union boss pleads with GOP to stand up to Obama on immigration
Meanwhile, The News’ “news”
*‘Opportunity is who we are’, 1A – And equal outcomes” is who you are, Dear Leader! … Dang, where’s HUAC when you need it? … Note, The News dutifully runs the WH-approved propaganda chart: “income equality” started in “the early 80s.” (Pssst. That’s Reagan. Got it? Things were jes’ peachy under Jimmah Carter.) … BTW, where’s the Republican response story? Surprise! There’s NOT one! (The News offers two sentences from one of the three responses — in a mini-fontFact Check! That’s it! Hahahahahahahahhaha! AP had a tea party response story, but The News evidently just couldn’t find room. … No worries — all three responses below.)