States Make Progress on Common Core Assessment Prep

In one year, states will start assessing student learning through computer adaptive tests. But technology issues still pose major hurdles for education in general and Common Core assessments in particular. Continue reading “States Make Progress on Common Core Assessment Prep”

OBAMACARE – How many Texans favor taking the “bribe” money?


The Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act

by Dennis Scharp

Re: Perry, think beyond West (Letter to the editor in the Dallas Morning News; 9 August).

This East Dallas resident, Kurt Wolfenbarger, opined that it was good news that the city of West was successful in getting FEMA disaster relief funds from the Federal Government.  However, he then chided Governor Perry for not accepting the Federal “bribe” money associated with Obamacare.

How many others are there Continue reading “OBAMACARE – How many Texans favor taking the “bribe” money?”

Will Obamacare “Destroy” the Elderly?

by Ron Woodruff

The Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act

Our government is aggressively promoting The Affordable Care Act as the way to provide health care for 30 million Americans who currently have no coverage.  By implication, many supporters falsely assume that our beloved government is “giving” health care to everyone for free.  Sadly, those who live with this assumption are the least inclined to investigate the realities of this grotesque law.  The ultimate and total cost of Obamacare to all Americans, individually and collectively, is beyond our ability to predict.  Our current government, through some diabolical combination of Continue reading “Will Obamacare “Destroy” the Elderly?”

Government Collects Non-Criminal Data for Individual Freedom?

by Barbara Harless

The Texas 83rd Legislature failed to pass strong 2nd Amendment bills that support individual right of self-defense and individual right to defend individual property.  Instead, they Continue reading “Government Collects Non-Criminal Data for Individual Freedom?”

Obama Care may be alive and well in Texas

Latest word from our delegation in Austin is that Texas joining Obamacare is NOT dead in the legislature. Even some Republicans are pushing to get us in that quagmire. We need to call our delegation to encourage them, and also send word to our conservative friends across the state to stand firm.

Congressman Michael Burgess remains positive that Congress has not had the last word on this issue, so why should Texas jump into the unknown?

Judge Keith Self

Rotunda Report by Representative Leach

May 2, 2013

Legislative Happenings

 As State Representative and steward of your hard-earned tax dollars, one of my main priorities in the Legislature is to ensure that our state remains on its solid track towards economic prosperity by encouraging a friendly business climate in Texas.  This starts with lowering taxes, reducing the size and scope of government, and … Continue reading “Rotunda Report by Representative Leach”