Dallas Morning News Bias – January 9, 2014

RickCartoon200140109Received voice-mail response from DMN editor Mark Edgar (sp?) about yesterday’s claim that The News edited references to al-Qaeda from WashPo’s p. 12A Benghazi probe story. The piece appeared to contradict a recent NYT story on The News’ front-page which claimed al-Qaeda had nothing to do with the attack.
Edgar: “There was only so much room we had for [The WashPo] story. … The references to al-Qaeda were 15 or 16 paragraphs into it and it was just a matter of editing by inverted pyramid. We didn’t have room to run the whole story.”
You decide, folks. But recall, The News had plenty o’ “room” on its front page for The Times’ piece — which backed Dear Leader’s and Susan Rice’s specious accounts.
(To make good, I’ll say it’s no coincidence that, today, The News runs “AL-QAEDA’S RESURGENCE” across the top of its front page. Not about Benghazi, and Dear Leader’s not mentioned, but I’ll take it.)
*Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
(Lotsa data you’ll not see in The News!)
*Time magazine blamed ‘polar vortex’ for 1974 ‘global cooling’
(Simply not context you need to know)
*Denver attacks may be ‘knockout’ related
(A National round-up story, perhaps? No. … BTW: race is no issue for Eric Holder here.)
How The War On Poverty Was Lost
Meanwhile, The News’ “news”
*Income inequality jumps to forefront of campaigns, NYT, p. 1A – Really? How’d that happen? Here’s how: Dear Leader Obama, our sinking Leftist prez, made a speech, Dems sent out marching orders — and the mainstream media fell in line. (Recall The News last week ran three “income inequality” pieces — in one day! And today — there’s NO Obamacare news! It’s no longer on the“forefront,” you see. Inverted pyramid, and all that.) … Know this: “Income inequality” is MUCHmore palatable to Dem interests than, oh, I don’t know — Obamacare.
*Dial down [school] discipline [against blacks], AG says, AP, p. 5A – (I’m sorry — how does Eric Holder still a job? Anybody?) … Another issue comes to the “forefront!” … So The News won’t tie the “knock-out” game to race, but runs this pathetic race-baiting garbage on 1A. … We’re s’posed to believe school districts all across 2014 America are racist against blacks? (Wow, sounds like the feds have bigger problems than deciding how much meat goes on each plate.) And, of course — this reallygot The News’ toes tapping — Holder’s left-wing goons say Texas is the worst! … AP’s take: Gee, look at all this data, all these stats. It can ONLY mean one thing: racism! (“Numbers don’t lie,” says one lib school administrator here. You’re right, ma’am. People lie — about numbers.) … Missing context: Holder refused to charge New Black Panthers with voter intimidation in Philly in 2008; Holder refused to charge New Black Panthers for putting a dead-or-alive bounty on George Zimmerman; DOJ whistleblower J. Christian Adams testified before Congress in 2010 that Holderrefuses to apply the law equally, regardless of race; this story is obviously about changing the subject, and is politically motivated for 2014. … All the above are valid context for this story, and ignored by AP.

Author: Rick Atkinson

Rick creates highlights of the news with an eye toward pointing out the bias of the Dallas Morning News, conservative values, and events that impact the local north Texas area.